What we do

The youth represents our future. Educated and qualified young people allow assuring a prosperous future. Unfortunately, the studies cost and are not within the reach of everybody. The asbl Study-Help has for objective to help bright young but needy people to realise their studies by offering them a grant financed by a donator.
The asbl Study-Help appears as intermediary between the students, whose she verifies follow-up of the studies, and the donator, who she assures if he wants a direct contact with the student. She assures orientation for future students by organizing a professional assessment.
The asbl Study-Help was created to support and to motivate these young adults to continue their school formation in spite of their difficult financial situation. She assures the follow-up of their studies by coupling the obtaining of the grant with the success at school. She acts without any lucrative objective and assures the complete continuation of funds received from the sponsor to the personal account of the needy student.
She chooses the students to sponsor and controls their school course by the intermediary and with the cooperation of local charities as the children’s home St Iosif at Odorheiu Secuiesc and the Round Table Romania.
Study Help is an asbl annexed to the “Coopération Humanitaire Luxembourg” (ONG). Your payments are fiscally deductible, and you receive from our part a certificate to be joined to your tax return.

How you can help
The donator makes a commitment to transfer monthly the amount of 150€ at the ASBL Study-Help till the end of the studies chosen by the needy student. The ASBL Study-Help continues funds entirely to the personal account of the student and watches the follow-up of the studies. The donator receives the contact details of the student and is informed about the studies which he chose. He can communicate directly with him / her. 100% of the money is transfered to the student.
It is a sponsoring by two donators with a monthly transfer of 75€ of each to finance a needy student. The asbl Study-Help looks for the second sponsor, thus it could arrive that both sponsors must not necessary to know each other. The modalities are the same that for the sponsoring.
All the donations are welcome.

Study-Help ASBL
Coopération Humanitaire Luxembourg asbl
7, Rue Belair
L-4909 Bascharage
RCS Luxembourg : F8751
Phone: +352 23 626 5422
EMail: secretariat@study-help.lu
Bank details : IBAN: LU23 0030 4251 1292 0000